A! Consulting Group is committed to ensuring quality service to our clients. Our background in ProLaw and the business of law has shown the need to listen to clients and address their concerns, and it is this commitment to client services that serves as the backbone of the firm. We are an innovative firm, passionate in our commitment to our clients.
The focus of the law firm is on the practice of law and providing the best service and representation to clients. The focus of A! Consulting Group is on setting standard Business Processes that improve profitability and control costs and using technology to stay ahead of the competition. A! Consulting Group are experts at customizing ProLaw to maximize efficiency and workflow and know how to make the promises of increased profitability and productivity come true.
A! Consulting Group‘s professional staff have more than fifty years of hands-on law firm administrative and financial expertise, a wealth of knowledge and experience in dealing with complex issues in the business of law, and have implemented and improved hundreds of law firm business systems. These highly qualified consultants can work for you at a fraction of the cost of hiring full time staff. Imagine what A! Consulting Group can do for your firm!